Vasectomy Preparation What you need to know
Booked your procedure? Here's some helpful information about preparing for vasectomy.
How to prepare
Your questions about preparing for no-scalpel vasectomy answered
Read through your consent form to make sure you fully understand your procedure. Bring your Medicare card and your debit card.
Take a shower before you attend the clinic. Please shave or clip the front and side of the scrotum on the morning of your procedure.
You don't need to skip a meal. Eat a good breakfast. You can drive yourself to and from the vasectomy clinic. You'll be at the clinic for about 45 minutes in total.
Plan to rest for the first 24 hours after your procedure. If you have a physical job, request a week off or a week of light duties (no lifting or straining).
How to prepare for a vasectomy
Watch this video where Dr Simon explains how to prepare for vasectomy.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a physical job that requires lifting, stretching or physical exertion, you will need to take a week off work or do light duties for 1 week. If you have a desk job you can usually return 1-2 days after your procedure.
Your booking from start to finish
Vasectomy means you can enjoy hassle-free, worry-free sex. We're here to take care of you throughout the vasectomy process.
Initial consultation
You should feel well-informed to make the right decision for you and your family
Book procedure
If you decide to book a procedure, our friendly reception team will help you choose a date
Attend procedure
Dr Simon and the team will ensure you are comfortable and well-cared for on your procedure day
Follow up test
3 months after vasectomy get your follow-up test to confirm you are sterile and can have worry-free sex!